GeochainSlimTM Split Array Success

25th Jan 2019

Avalon Sciences has now introduced ‘pass through tool’ ancillaries to the Geochain™ and Geochain™ strings.  These sondes can be placed between connecting ITC cables to provide extended receiver separation of up to 1600ft. This now delivers significantly optimized well coverage especially where survey geometries require both vertical and lateral placement.

A recent (Winter 2018, USA) zipper-fracture monitoring survey has taken advantage of this pass through tool receiver configuration to great effect. A 24 level GeoSlim™ array with 4 pass through tools tractored to 15,700ft measured depth with a total receiver coverage of 4,265ft.  The tools were all fitted with the latest X-Series electronics and Quad sensors, where the system was recording continuously for 27 days downhole.